Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 We have Ruth a nightquil last night and she slept all night.  It was really nice.  She seems to be okay today.  We packed up and cleaned today.  I had bad anxiety this morning which is stupid.  Me and Casey went on a walk and that helped.  Me and Casey took all the kids to a museum but it was closed.  We went to a springs.  The water is carbonated and you can drink it.  It is why the town is called soda spring, I didn't know that.  The kids liked playing in the water.  We went back to the geyser and we noticed all these pipes going to it.  It is a fake geyser and I just figured it out.  We googled it and it is the only fake geyser in the world.  We had a late lunch and then left.  We found a thrift store on the way home and Mandi got a cowboy hat.  They have been finding these cool Stetson hats and now the aunts all have one.  Oliver wanted a souvenir so we went to a store next door.  They had a museum upstairs so we looked at that and got a souvenir.  We stopped for pizza in Preston and it was good.  The Aunts went to Clifton to visit Calleen.  I went to exercise class this evening and it felt really good to go. It will be nice to sleep in our beds again.

Love Rachel 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...