Monday, July 8, 2024


We made it to the cabin.  The kids were good to get up early for them this morning.  We had all the food at our house so everyone came over to pack up.  We couldn't fit everything so we had to wait for Colin to come and put some stuff in his car.  We stopped in Preston to look at the DI but they didn't have anything good.  We were going to eat lunch in Grace but we had the dogs and it was really busy so we went to the cabin.  Then got lunch in Soda Springs.  Mandy wants to have a Halloween party so we helped her prep all the treats for that.  The little kids went swimming in a pool that is next door.  Their is a cave close so Me, Casey, Isaac and Randy went to it.  The trail was flooded and we had the hardest time finding it.  It was a .2 mile hike but we hiked around for two hours looking for it.  Casey found it and it was really neat. It was pretty big and we explored it for a while.  Mandy gave us all temporary tattoos.  The kids loved it.  We had a spaghetti bar for dinner and it was really good.  It turned out really nice.  It turns out bear lake is to far from the cabin so we might go on our way home or next weekend.  

Love Rachel 

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