Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No bottle

I don't mind the new look too much.  I think that I will get used to it, hopefully.   Isaac hasn't been drinking his bottles at night so we decided to put him to bed without them.  Tonight is night two and it has been going really well.  I guess when they are ready they are ready.  It is nice because I was having a hard time letting it go so it was nice he did it himself.  Today was good.  I rode my bike to khols.  It took me a half an hour to get home but I made it.  It made me feel like I accomplished something so it felt nice.  Casey has ridden his bike to work for two days now, he is doing really good.  I mowed the lawn during Isaac's nap and that went well.  We just spend the afternoon playing in the backyard until Casey got home.  Isaac helped me water my peas, it was fun. He loves holding the hose.  Casey decided not to take the gun class this weekend.  So I think that we are just staying up here.  He may have to work in SLC but he doesn't know yet.  If you want to come up here Mom that would be fun or you can just have a weekend off.  This week is going so fast.  I can't believe it is garbage day already.


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 Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I mentally wrote a blog post but never physically did it.  Yesterday was good.  It was the last day of...