Sunday, January 21, 2018


Today was busy as most Sundays are which is good.  I had a planning meeting this morning, they served crepes which were good.  I had to leave at 11:30 because Casey was going to take Oliver to instacare.  He just has a virus and they didn't give him anything.  I took Ruth and Isaac to church and Oliver and Casey stayed home to rest.  Church went well.  Isaac said he was too old to color or do anything but listen at church which was funny to me.  He did just sit the whole time.  Ruth still hate nursery so she ended up coming to my class.  I had a big coughing fit and had to leave for a bit but came back.  It was Kimi's birthday on Friday and they were having cake and ice cream today so I took Ruth and Isaac and went up.  It was fun to talk with everyone.  Collin has a girlfriend and she was really sweet to talk with Isaac, he was super chatty.  I hope that everyone had a relaxing day and are feeling better.


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