Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Dad stayed home and rested today and he said he was feeling better.  I called Dr. Strong to see if he could look at Gary and his next apt is Feb 7.  I guess we might need to find another alternative if he isn't feeling better soon.  If he could stay home the rest of the week, I think that would help him.  I guess there is some guy coming on Thursday so I don't think that will happen.  Yes that is all the information I was given.  My cough is the same and everyone at works keeps asking me to go to the doctor.  I think if it isn't better by Thursday, I will go after work.  I just hate spending all that money to tell me it is a virus.  Oh well at least I can tell everyone I went.  I might take dad with me.  I haven't rode in an ambulance for awhile.  I think I have a bad attitude.  Robin if you want to go to Vegas I am sure Kay would drive you down and you could stay for free with her.  Just and FYI.  Well everyone have a good hump day.  I can't believe how fast January has gone.  It has really flown by.  Does anyone have ideas for a good time this weekend or do we still want to recover. LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...