Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Hump day

I made it through half of the week.  There was a big announcement that 2300 employees are being contracted out.  It was released to KSL before everyone at work got it.  I thought that was weird.  From what the release said everyone would do the same thing just for a different company, who had no 401k etc.  They do still have medical insurance.  It was a long day.  IT will be next that is about 1500 people.  Food and EVS services also are rumored to go contracting.  I guess that is one way to cut benefits.  I have never worked in a play where there are a punch of people that all work for different companies.  I guess I will soon find out that works.  Dad stayed home again today and said he is feeling better.  His cough is still bad.  I have been making him omelets for dinner and he likes those.  It is suppose to snow tomorrow.  Be careful out there.  LOVE MOM

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