Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Today turned out to be a really busy day.  We went the store this morning so Casey could get stuff to make bread.  When we got home we worked on the front yard digging dirt until lunch time.  It was really hot today.  Casey made bread really quick and we cleaned the kitchen.  Then I sewed with Jenn and Casey and Isaac went fishing with Randy.  Oliver took a nap.  They caught two fish and had a fun time.  Casey took some pictures that I attached.  After Jenn left I took a walk around the block with Oliver.  We got back about the same time as Casey.  His motor came and he needed to unload it with a fork lift.  So we drove down their and picked it up.  Then we came home and had dinner and Casey was off to scouts.  We walked down and meet him when it was done.  We had talked of ice cream after fishing but never made it and he really wanted to go so we went and got ice cream.  I am glad that everyone is doing good and I hope that you have a good day tomorrow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...