Friday, September 21, 2018


I am sorry Robin.  They are not creating a good work environment and you can do better.  You are amazing.  Today I worked out, on Friday they do yoga and it is so hard.  I have no balance.  I took Leona grocery shopping.  It was good to see her, we haven't visited with Casey being sick.  We were just in time to have lunch with Isaac but Oliver didn't want to go so we went to the cheese factory and got some chocolate milk and he loved that.  We went to the library after we picked up Isaac.  I told them we lost the book and we can just pay for it but they wanted a check or cash so I am going to do it another day.  We just stayed home and relaxed this evening.  Casey is feeling better so that is good, he slept better last night.  We will be down tomorrow by lunch time.  I am excited for the comedian also, it will be fun.


Isaac did magic today and might bring it with us tomorrow.

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 Today was good.   My classes went surprisingly well and I had a good day.  The kids liked all the projects we did and were really good.  Me...