Friday, September 18, 2009

zombie part l

So me and another girl did a practice run on applying a foam face it was fun. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Some of my edges you could see up close but most of that comes with practice and it was my first time. I posted pictures so you could see. One was a scary photo but the flash took out most of the detail. The greyish one is me , its the one that the other girl did. Once you use the appliance once its no good so I have 3 masks made. One to practice, one for the photo shoot, and one for the music video. The one for my photo shoot I made lighter so it will match with the skin better. Tuesday and thursday are my photo shoots and friday is the last day of prosthetics. Well I hope rachel has fun at lagoon. and everyone has a great weekend. I'm going to institute tonight and relaxing. :) love ya

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