Thursday, October 22, 2009

value village

So today I went shopping for my photoshoots. I got a wig for little red riding hood. and clothes and hats for everything. I luckly was able to get most of it at value village to save some bucks. Well Tomorrow I am going to work on the film shoot again. And on saturday I have my zombie stuff. I hope on sunday things will calm down. Its stake conference so I think I'm going to miss. Plus the zombie prom goes until 1:30 am so I'll be pretty beat. well I'm sorry that grandma isn't doing a well. I'm glad you were able to go down and be with dad for a while. That is a crazy story about the forest that casey takes care of. Well I'm glad karen is doing well sorry work is boring. At least school keeps you busy. ;) well I better run. have a great night
love you

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