Thursday, October 22, 2009

space cadet

well I think I am going to bed early. I took the garbage out for garbage day and he came today. I didn't realize it until Jay called and asked me to take her garbage in. We finally got Casey a birthday dinner and I gave him your card Karen. We went to spoon me for dessert and it was soooo good. I am addicted. Dad went and saw grandma and she is doing a lot better. She is breathing on her own and is awake. Gary said she is having a hard time talking with all the meds but she was having some trouble with that before hand. I am glad she is doing so much better. Have a fun weekend Robin. I am glad you get another quiet one Karen. Enjoy that because it is going to start being the holidays and it will be crazy. Next weekend you get the ER. Me Rachel and Casey are going to SLC after work. Casey's car is down in SLC so we are going to go pick it up. Have a great friday.


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