Sunday, April 12, 2015


Today was nice I didn't have to work. I got an ad in the mail for joanns and simplicity patterns were 5 for 5 dollars. They are normally 15.00 each. So I went down and got 5. I got one for a cassarole dish holder. I'm excited to make it. The I have made and executive decision to make some burp cloths to sell. They are fast and inexpensive so I thought it would be a good start. I made two today. I was in the middle is third but the embroidery went weird and made a hole so I had to throw it out. But hopefully I can make about 5 more this week. That is the goal. I need 10 items on etsy to start getting traffic. So I'm baby stepping. Other then that I am doing laundry and watching movies. Have a good week


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