Friday, April 17, 2015


I know that is a deep subject.  Grandma Bodily called dad today and said that Susan had fallen and she was going down to help her.  I don't have any more details but she left this evening at 10:00 to go down.  We were going to go out there after work but she said she would rather take a nap before she left so we went and got me some sunglass clips for my glasses because the glare has been so bad at work the last couple of days.  Hopefully that will help some.  We had firehouse subs for dinner and then just vegged.  Not much else going on with us.  I did buy a new fan while we were at Walmart.  I thought that would help when it warms up again.  Everyone have a great weekend.  Robin, I love your burp clothes.  Oh Spit is my favorite one.  I think you could sell a lot of those.  I think that is funny you ate at Panda.  WE did also.  We walked around Best Buy and bought Imitation Game.  It is on Vudu for you guys.  Oliver was so cute walking under the signs.  He is getting the hang of walking.  Isaac didn't want to leave and kept thinking of ways for all of us to stay.  It was so cute.  Love you guys MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...