Monday, December 3, 2018


Today was good.  It snowed so we have enough to cover the ground which is pretty.  We are loving the countdown calendars, thank you Karen.  The kids are really excited to open them each morning.  I worked out this morning and Thomas was sick so Oliver didn't have anyone to play with but he played soccer and had a fun time.  He had a fun time at school also.  Isaac forgot his snow pants at school so I ran in to grab them and his teacher said that he was doing a really job and is a good student.  I also got the Christmas party date set.  If you have any ideas Mom let me know.  Isaac had an electric kit from Terry and he made alarm and a car, he had fun with it.  Oliver wanted to play trains so we got the Thomas trains out and it was a lot of fun to play with.  He was cute.  I hope that everyone is feeling better.  Their are a lot of people I know sick, it is that time of year.


 This is from Sunday, I missed it yesterday

I cut Oliver's hair also

He didn't want me to take a picture of it

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