Saturday, March 13, 2021


 I love your bag Robin, good job.  We had a fun day.  Isaac had his last basketball game at 8 which is early.  They won but it was a close game.  Isaac won most improved player.  Then Randy came over and we headed to Soda Springs to go fishing.  We had a fun time.  Randy knew a good place to eat in Grave so we stopped for lunch.  It was really good.  They have good fries.  Then we went to Soda Springs. Their is a fish farm and releases fishes into a pond.  We caught 6 huge rainbow trout.  The biggest was 10 lbs.  Afterwards we picked up some doughnuts and watched a gyser that they have.  When we got home Randy and Casey cut all fish into filet.  We got the vacuum sealer and sealed some fish for Randy's friends and for Randy.  We cook three for dinner.  It was good.  Casey and Randy did a lot of work to clean the fish.  We will see Mom and Dad tomorrow.  Ruth is going to call in the morning to firm up plans.



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 Luna slept over snd we had a fun time. It is weird getting use to springing ahead. Dad went to work. Robin had some shorts for Rachel. Dad ...