Thursday, March 11, 2021


 I made it to Friday YEAH!  I had a headache today.  I blamed the storm coming in.  It was a blizzard most of the afternoon.  Dad didn't get any snow at our house.  Weird.  I worked today and they changed the days I am coming in to work.  I go in on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  I don't really care when I go in so it wasn't a huge deal.  I take a lot of Friday's off.  I took April 2 and April 9th off.  They are doing a big corporate review of all administrative assistants.  They have been doing that a lot lately and it usually means they are cutting jobs.  Maybe I will get to retire early.  Robin, I love your jokes.  They are always so funny.  Karen I am glad you didn't have to shovel.  Rachel that is a really low interest rate.  I would go the longer the better on the loan.  Kids always need something.  Nice to have extra money.  We did take the tens unit up to Bryan this evening and all the food that the neighbor gave us.  They seem to like that. Have a nice Friday.  I thought it was next weekend we sprang ahead.  Thanks for reminding me.  LOVE MOM 

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 Luna slept over snd we had a fun time. It is weird getting use to springing ahead. Dad went to work. Robin had some shorts for Rachel. Dad ...