Thursday, August 27, 2020


 The boys made it back to school.  They seemed to be feeling a lot better today, they weren't ever really sick just a bit of a cold.  Isaac dogged a ball at four square and did a 180 turn and all the kids cheered for him. The was really happy.  Me and Ruth had a good day together.  We went and got more chocolate milk and went to her preschool open house.  She likes to do crafts so we do that and reads books. It is fun.  Tony is doing better on his walks with not pulling.  It was really hot when we walked to get the boys.  He was laying down and drinking water when we got back which was funny.  Oliver had a virtual back to school night tonight so we did that.  One of the water heaters was dented so Casey went and exchanged it for a better one.  Don't worry about coming to help.  Randy said he would come so I think we are ok.  Thank you.  We will still come down Saturday for dinner.  Love you guys.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...