Monday, August 4, 2014

A trip to the toy store

We had a good day.  We went grocery shopping this morning and that went smoothly.  When we got home I had Oliver laying on the floor by Isaac and he rolled over to him.  It was cute that his first roll was over to his brother.  Our beans were ready and Salmon sounded good to Casey so I made Salmon and green beans, it tasted really good.  Isaac had his jar full of fluffy balls from going to the potty so we took him to red balloon toys and he chose out a parking garage.  I think that it will be fun and we had a good time playing with it tonight.  We made a big deal about the potty and brought the jar with us and handed it to the cashier and told them that he had peed in the potty and earned the prize.  We are hoping that it will motivate him more.  We tried at least.  I hope that Dad feels better soon.  If you have any birthday suggestions for Dad let me know.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...