Friday, August 8, 2014

Train ride

Well we will see everyone tomorrow for the most epic birthday party ever.  I am ready.  We had a good day.  Casey worked on the car all day trying to get it running.  He is not there yet but he is close.  I took the boys to the mall this morning to get out of the house and it was fun to walk around.  Oliver took a long nap in the afternoon and me and Issac played cars and I made some salsa.  It turned out really good and I have been eating it all day.  After dinner to get out of the house we all went out for ice cream.  Isaac didn't want to go home so I dropped Casey off and we headed to the park.  When we got their we saw the train driving around and Isaac was so excited.  So we were waiting for it to come back and Andrea from the ward was walking over to get her kids and she reminded me it was the ward party.  I had completely forgotten.  So the train was over their so we walked over.  They were in the middle of the program so the train wasn't running so we waited.  It was really fun to talk to everyone and then Isaac got to go on a ride which he loved.  I was worried because it was Oliver's bed time but he just fell asleep, he is an angel.  When the ride was over it started to rain really really hard.  We were parked kind of far away so we just waited in the pavilion for it to stop and then hurried to the van before it started up again.  It turned out to be a fun evening.  Well everyone drive safe tomorrow and we will see you then.


Robin's grapes are crazy

My salsa

Isaac was making up names for all the cars.  It was so cute.

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