Monday, October 7, 2013


Today was a pretty busy day.  This morning me and Isaac went to the store and got stuff to absorb the smell downstairs.  It is helping, I can still smell it but it isn't as bad.  Then we went to the fabric store and got some binding fabric.  It will be nice to get that quilt all done.  Then I had a doctors appointment.  I didn't have to wait and it went really fast.  Everything looks good, the ultrasound will be on Oct 28 so then we will know what it is.  I am excited to find out.  When I was at the fabric store they had all this cute fabric and I had to tell myself to wait.  After lunch Casey jumped on the trampoline with Isaac and I was able to get most of the kits done for enrichment this Friday.  Then we headed to SLC to put up Charlotte and have dinner with Mom and Dad.  It was a really nice day and I am glad that I went down.  Thanks Mom and Dad for the nice evening.  Isaac was sad to leave you guys.  He fell asleep in the car which was nice since he didn't get a nap.  Everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.  Good luck at your doctors tomorrow Karen.  I hope that everything goes great.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...