Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sewing Machine

I am excited for Josh Groban also.  It is going to be epic.  I am excited.  I have got everything worked out and I am ready to come down.  Today I was at Randy's and Terry had a sewing machine that she was going to take to the DI so I snagged it for Karen.  I am excited.  I have been looking but all the sewing machines at the thrift stores are crap.  Your welcome.  Today was good.  The girls picked up Lauri at the airport so they were gone all morning.  They went to dinner at 4 but Isaac was asleep so we weren't able to go.  He was really tired today and needed the nap.  He had another late night and I felt bad.  Kimi had here bachelrolette party tonight at the crystal inn.  I had Randy watch Isaac for a hour and a ran up there.  It was good to go at the beginning, I said hi and had fun and then left.  It was good.  Well I will see you tomorrow Mom.  Yeah for Josh Groban.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...