Sunday, October 6, 2013

Something has died

Friday I noticed that it was smelling bad downstairs but I couldn't find anything.  It has gotten worse as the weekend went on and it is a dead mouse in the wall.  Casey thinks when he put all the insulation up it got trapped and died.  I need to go to Lowes tomorrow and get something to get ride of the smell.  We had a good weekend.  Casey worked Friday and Sunday.  He is taking tomorrow off to pick up Charlotte and didn't want to us his leave.  Yesterday we got paint for the race car bed and went grocery shopping.  Then we walked to the park.  Isaac made a friend and he can climb the rope ladder by himself.  Today we were all tired and just took it easy.  We did paint one side of the race car bed and went on a walk.  During Isaac's nap I finally finished quilting the quilt.  I just need to bind it now.  YEA.   This evening I had some energy so I tried on Isaacs new outfits and they fit really good.  His Halloween costume is a little big but it will work great.  Thanks Mom.  I attached pictures.  I like your burp cloth Mom.  It is really cute.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...