Friday, March 22, 2013

I had a bad day

Thanks for posting the pictures Rachel and getting dad's prescription.  I am sorry you had to wait but he will love you forever that he has some more.  Today didn't turn out so good.  I waited for Jed to call me this morning about overnighting dad's meds to him. I finally called him at 10 and he said that Dan was going to China on Saturday and he was taking the meds and he would call me later to let me know the times.  He never called me so at 1:00 I called Mel to see if I could talk with Dan and he said Dan was leaving at 7:00 in the morning and he would take the meds.  He is taking a detector over to China.  I asked if he for sure had plane reservations and he said he did and except for the detector not working he would be going.  So that instilled a lot of confidence so I called Fed Ex and decided to ship the drugs myself.  It takes 4 days for over night to China and costs 700.00.  I was pretty upset by this time.  So I took the meds up to Seer and made them put them into the suitcase before I would leave.  I called dad and they didn't even tell him he wasn't coming home on Sunday until after I had taken the drugs up to Seer.  He is now staying until at least Tuesday.  Dad was crying on the phone tonight.  We both were pretty upset.  If Dan isn't on the plane at 7:00 dad is buying an airplane ticket and coming home.  Dad only has enough meds until Monday.  I feel so bad for him.  I don't know what else I can do to help him.  I will let you know as I find out more.  LOVE MOM

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