Tuesday, June 16, 2009


That play does sound good rachel, it said online it is just coming out to pbs. Are you going to buy the movie. if you do when i come out I will have to watch it. Well I got my cds in the mail today, thanks for mailing those to me. Oh and I do my laundry on the 18th floor, and it sucks because it only takes dollar coins and there are no coin machines anywhere. I have to save them when I get them, oh woest me. :) Well we learned about mature skin today and how to apply makeup. There was also a meet and learn. that is when some one comes during our lunch and talks about the industry. It was the director of "Fashion" a beauty magazine in canada. it was alright nothing to exciting. basically you have to eat dirt and gravel to get anywhere. blah blah blah. I don't buy it I think you need to start at the bottom but I don't think the people that are known are better, everyone starts at the bottom, It just takes time. Anyway that is my soap box for the day. I did hear a good quote about skin. "before 40 you have the face you were born with, after 40 you get the face you deserve." I thought it was funny, because you can really see in peoples skin how well they took care of them selfs when they were younger. Just look at a smoker after 40 you will definitely notice a difference. any who not much else, have a great night. 

1 comment:

  1. Robin
    I preordered the play on Amazon.com. I am a nerd, it just looks really good. I need to take better care of my skin. At girls camp all the girls were mositurizing and cleaning their faces and I thought that I should be better. You will have to give me tips as you learn them.



 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...