Friday, June 19, 2009

I can see clearly now the rain is gone

I am having trouble getting the photos off my phone but when I do I will post them. We went to summer fest last night and Mom and Dad bought me a beautiful purple necklace. It is great. We also have Navajo tacos but they were wheat, they were still delouse. Mom finished her quilt and it is beautiful. I really like it. I am still plugging away on my double wedding ring quilt. I got rock band for my psp and I am pretty excited to try that out. I am on my way to SLC tonight since Casey has to work. I just checked on the goats and they are doing really well. They were out eating when I got home. Thanks Karen for the offer for the wheel of time. I think that I am going to go the audio book route. Mike said that he would give me a copy of all of them and if not I have them on my audio book club list next. I will give you a copy also. I am glad that Robins school is going so well. I am really happy for you.

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