Sunday, June 14, 2009


I am glad they got your records at church. It just seems more official that way. You are not free game. Rachel and Casey got nursery today maybe that is where you are headed. It will be interesting to see. Not much going on in Logan. It was sunny here this morning and me and Dad sat outside and got some sun. It felt so nice. It rained all afternoon but we were able to go around and see grapes this evening. Casey and Rachel and Kelsey and Mike came for dinner that was nice. I made frajitas. They tasted good. I am still feeling a little off from the teeth. I don't hurt just feel like I have been run over with a truck. Weird. I don't even need any medicine. I think I am just tired. Grandpa Gumm wasn't doing so good yesterday. I am worried about him. My glasses are working out really good for being new. It usually takes about a week for me to adjust and I am already use to them. That is good. I can see better also.
Love you guys.

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