Friday, June 19, 2009

roaring 20's

That is crazy about casey's mountain tell him to be safe. Also summerfest sounded like fun i think dad will like the wii fit a lot of people have given it good reviews. Well i went down to talk to the printers about my business cards and they gave me some good advise so i might go down today to finalize them and get them printed. I couldn't figure out how to put them on the blog so when I get them printed i will take a picture and post it. Today in school we did the 20's it was pretty crazy, but fun. they put black on the eyes and small lips. I definitely looked different. I wore it home it was kinda fun to be different. I got a lot of stares but its kind of an adrenaline rush to go out with a different look your not use to. Well tomorrow some girls wanted to go out for lunch so i'm going to join them. I think there is a free comedy thing later in the after noon. and another girl wants to practice makeup at night. so tomorrow is pretty booked, it will be fun though i hope its sunny its been really rainy.  Take care have a good weekend. 

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