Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Love the sayings

Where do you find those cute sayings.  They make me laugh.  Work was good today, it wasn't really busy for me either.  I love that.  I couldn't sleep very well last night.  I went to lay on the couch and at 10:30 someone knocked on the door.  I looked out the peep hole and it was some guy.  He left and then at 11:30 he came back and knocked again.  It kind of freaked me out and so I got my taser out.  He left and didn't come back but I was awake then.  I tried my taser this morning and it was out of battery but at least it made me feel brave and bold.  We went and saw grandma tonight.  She is doing good.  She is planning on leaving on the 13th.  One more week.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

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