Wednesday, July 12, 2023


 Today is Mandi's birthday and we had a fun day.  I did have to work and it was a stressful day.  After work I meet everyone at the fun park.  We bowled and I joined on the second game.  Tiffany killed us and won both games.  Then we went roller skating and it was so much fun.  I love roller skating.  The kids were doing a lot better today and were able to skate pretty well.  We skated for a while and then we went to dinner at cafe sabores.  It was so hot in the building.  It felt like they were blasting the heater.  The food tasted good though and we had fun.  We went back to Randy's and played cards against humanity.  It was pretty funny.  It is a lot like apples to apples.  We are headed back to our house to watch a movie outside.  Me and Casey have the next two days off which will be fun.  

Love Rachel

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