Sunday, October 26, 2014


This morning was pretty restful I slept in and just lounged around. Then I went to Walter family's for dinner. Enoch's sister is pregnant. It was a surprise and they are warming up to the idea. Then Enoch was 45 minutes late to dinner. It turns out he had to Talk to the mp's. Last night he was walking to 7-11 with some other guys from the va. And a big Tongan guy jumped them and tried to take their wallets. I guess he was so big he body slammed Enoch. But now the Tongan guy is pretty messed up. I'm not sure if he's in the hospital or not but i guess it's a whole thing. But Enoch has sores around his neck and bruises but he is doing ok. But that is all the news I have, hope everyone has an awesome Halloween week.


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