Sunday, October 26, 2014

Busy Guy

Casey found an old Mercedes diesel on ebay like his but a different year for $300 that was in really good shape.  He thought he could buy it and sell it for more.  He went back and forth about buying it for a while and the auction  ended today and he bought at the last second.  It is in river dale so he or we might be headed down sometime this week.  Casey's friends are coming up tomorrow morning and they are going to go camping.  It seems cold to me but they are excited.  He might get a ride with them back down on Tuesday and pick it up but we are not sure.  Today was good for me.  Isaac slept in till 9 and I woke him up then and he took forever to get going so we missed most of Sacrament.  We came at the very end and Isaac likes to sit inside so we went in and listened to the last talk.  I taught the lesson today and it went good.  The kids were busy but I think it went well.  We took Casey lunch afterwards which was fun.  We just played the rest of the day.  Oliver's tooth is coming in so he is not his best.  I am getting excited for Halloween.  We should have a really fun time and the kids will be cute.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...