Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In Canada

Karen I am so glad you passed your tests. I think taking the test on the 23rd is a really good idea. That way you can get it over with and you don't have to use any more vacation. That will work out good. We had a good trip. Everything went just like it should have. We went to Robins apartment and got things organized. We are going to mail some things back and then bring the rest with us. I am tired tonight but glad the trip is going good. Even the hotel is going well. They smell a lot better than the last one. It is cold up here but I don't think it is a cold as SLC. Good luck tomorrow. Do you know it is hump day already. I hope you have a good day. I am excited for you to be able to come home and everyone home for Christmas. I love that. LOVE MOM

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