Wednesday, August 26, 2015


I don't like Hannah, it is like Banana.  How about Nora?  Today was pretty good.  Oliver didn't sleep well and then woke up really early.  He was super grouchy so after breakfast we went to the Walmart on the south side and got him some medicine and Isaac a Thomas movie.  They had fun walking around.  Oliver took a early nap so we watched the new movies.  After lunch Casey cleaned the garage.  We helped for a while but the boys were wild so we played inside.  Casey took the boys to the dump to drop so stuff off, I stayed home and that was nice.  After we went on a walk and it was nice, it was a cool evening.   Isaac rode his bike almost the whole way, he is getting good at it.  I want to go to the movie also.  If it is during the week Casey can watch the boys and if it is the weekend Dad can watch them.  Thanks.  I finished my quilt last night.  I wanted to work on the baby quilts but I was almost done with this one so I finished it.  It is nice to have done.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...