Wednesday, October 2, 2019


It was hard getting going this morning and I really had to talk myself to going to exercise class but I did it.  It was good to go.  We went to the cheese factory to get some more milk, we were out.  Casey was home for lunch and Oliver wanted him to take him to school so he did which was cute.  Me and Ruth helped in Oliver's class.  Ruth was so cute.  She laid out her blanket on the floor and did yoga moves.  I wish I had my camera to take a picture.   I brought the boys scooters for the ride home and they were happy about that.  After dinner Casey mowed the lawn and we cleaned it up so we are ready for decorations.  Isaac had scouts tonight and they went to the dollar store to get some things to help the little lamb service project.  Tomorrow is parent teacher conferences so their is no kindergarten and Isaac gets out after lunch so that will be nice.  Have a good night and I love you.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...