Friday, October 4, 2019


So Karen came down tonight and we met Robin and Jeramy and went to Fuji's for dinner.  It tasted really good.  We went to where Jeramy works and that place is huge.  I have never seen so many coke trucks.  It made me want a coke.  We fit all the pallets that Robin wanted into the jeep so we are set to come up.  We are going to leave when we wake up and Robin will come up just before lunch.  It is pretty neat looking what she has created. Work was so busy and I didn't realize how far behind I was.  I got a lot done but not enough for payroll Monday.  Oh well, I can go in early on Monday.  Everyone drive safe.  If Casey needs helps with the trees let us know.  I am so excited to come up.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...