Thursday, October 13, 2016

School Bus

Isaac had a field trip today to a farm and they got to ride a school bus and take home a little pumpkin.  He said they also got to ride in a wagon.  I think they had a fun time.  I had carpool today and Isaac was upset and it made Henry cry so I felt like a failure.  While Isaac was gone we went on a walk and then went to the park for a while.  It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it.  I had quilt group today so I had to rush everyone through lunch.  It was a lot of fun though, it is so fun to talk quilts and see what everyone is making.  We got home about the same time as Casey.  They made cinnamon rolls and we had crepes for dinner that were good.  We carved three pumpkins.  Isaac drew what he wanted and Casey carved it out.  Isaac drew on the rest of the pumpkins so when we are ready we have the pattern for them.  I also cooked the pumpkin seeds and they turned out really good, it was fun.  It seems like when you cook their is a lot of cleaning and dishes so we did a lot of that this evening.  We are excited to come down tomorrow.  We are packed and ready to go.  I will text Mom and Dad when we leave.  Probably around 1 so Ruthie can nap.


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