Thursday, October 6, 2016


Ruthie didn't sleep again for the third night, she is wearing me out.  Ruthie had her six month check up today and she is doing good.  She had a huge growth spurt.  She is 20 lb 10 Oz (85%), 28.5" (75%) and head 93%. He thinks she is teething and that is why she isn't sleeping good.  They make you wait forever in a tiny room with three kids so it can make a person go crazy.  Afterwards we went to the hobby lobby and spent Grandma's fun money their.  Isaac wanted to make a tie-dye shirt again.  They only had a red shirt in Oliver's size but it worked out ok and we got Ruthie a cute dress.  We had some extra dye after Isaac was done so I dyed some white flannel and I am going to make Isaac a scarf with it.  The girls next door came over to play after lunch.  I was tired so I only had them stay an hour and then sent them home.  Isaac had parent teacher conference this afternoon.  I had a friend going to watch the little ones but Oliver fell asleep so Casey just stayed home with them.  Isaac is doing really well and had a really fun time showing me all his stuff.  He was really happy.  He got a 100% on his math test is about to start getting reading books sent home.  His fine motor is what she was worried about but I think he keeps getting better so I am happy with it and we will just keep working on it.  Casey and Isaac made cinnamon rolls and they tasted really good.  It was a busy day.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...