Tuesday, December 19, 2017


I am sorry about your job Mom, that is the worst.  I can't believe they are handling this so poorly.  Isaac didn't sleep again last night, his eyes and nose are sore.  Oliver woke up and ended up sleeping with us.  It was a warm day today and we are loving it.  I didn't have to babysit today so I took advantage of Casey being home and got a hair cut, it is short and I like it.  Just normal Rachel hair cut.  Oliver had school and he hurt his finger, it was very traumatic for him. Ruthie wouldn't nap so we went to the store and got some medical supplies for Isaac.  We played outside until it was time to get Isaac.  We got cookies on the way home but it ended in tears and made me frustrated.  I took the kids with me to young women's and it was so much fun.  We went Christmas Caroling on a hay trailer and the kids had a blast.  We would get off and sing at some houses and then get back on and everyone was so good with the kids.  It was a really fun time.  They had doughnuts and hot chocolate for the treat and they loved that.  Isaac said he really felt the Spirit of Christmas, it was a really nice time.  It is a late bed time but it was worth it.  Everyone have a great Wednesday.


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