Thursday, February 21, 2019

Happy Birthday Oliver!!

I am sorry you guys are so sick.  That is is the absolute worst Robin, I am so sorry that happened to you.  It was Oliver's birthday today and he had a good day.  We picked up balloons this morning and he was really cute.  He had fun at school and they sang to him.  While he was at school me and Ruth went to Isaac's school.  We blew some dogs for the one book one school program.  It was fun and everyone was impressed with my tracing skills.  It is because of our time at the library.  We took Oliver to El Toro for lunch because he wanted a tamale and it tasted good.  After we picked Isaac up we went to the jump zone which the kids love.  We got Little Caesars for dinner which is another favorite of Oliver.  Randy and Terry came over and we had cake and ice cream.  Oliver loves all his presents and was so cute with everything.  He loved it all.   Love you guys and I really hope that tomorrow is a better day. 


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