Monday, June 4, 2018


That sucks about the demolition derby tickets, it is rigged.  Maybe we could try to Logan one or another city.  I hate having the wrong alarm Karen, it makes for a rough day.  I called a plumber this morning and he was able to come and fix the drain so we can use water now.  I babysat the girls next door for a hour and then we went swimming the rest of the day.  It was so nice to just swim, I love summer time.  We went and visited Leona then went out to dinner.  Casey got a check to pay for his gas to SLC the other day.  My swimming suit had bit the dust.  It was stretched out really weird so we went to khols and I got a new one and some pants.  Let me tell you trying on swimming suits is not for the faint of heart and I now know why I have had the same one for 6 years.  Good luck getting up early Mom, that is hard to do.


The kids love the deck, Ruth moved her chair up.

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