Sunday, June 3, 2018


Thanks again for your help.  The deck is awesome and we love it.  Me and Casey were sitting on it this morning and we decided to not have him work today and just have a day off.  Isaac wanted to go to the grave yard that we drove past going to aggie ice cream so we went their after lunch.  It was fun to walk around and Isaac liked reading all the grave stones.  I took the kids to church and that went well.  When we got home we packed sandwiches for dinner and went canoeing.  It was a really pretty evening and it was so nice being out on the water.  Ruthie was kind of grumpy/bored.  She started in my canoe and then switched with the boys so I was a lone for a while.  She can back and then she traded with Oliver.  We went for three hours.  We got the little kids to bed and I went to tuck Isaac in and I noticed water on his floor.  It turned out the drain had backed up and the laundry room was flooded.  We got the shop vac out and cleaned it up.  We got some drain cleaner but I am not sure if it is the right stuff.  It will get us till tomorrow.  Everyone have a good Monday and you are the best.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...