Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Mom we are still coming to Kamas on Saturday. We were thinking of coming Saturday and leaving Sunday morning if that would work.  Today was good.  I signed Isaac up for a summer reading program at the school so they give him books and then takes a test on them.  It started today so we rode our bikes to the school and got the book.  It was fun and I think it will be good for him this summer.  Oliver wanted to make cookies so we rode our bikes to Lee's to get chocolate chips.  We got drinks and grapes and stopped at a pond on the way home and cooled off.  We made cookies and they tasted good.  It was the summer reading launch at the public library this afternoon and they had a huge party.  We got their right when it opened and signed up for summer reading.  The had a ton of rides and bounce houses and free snow cones.  I had young women's early and the kids didn't want to leave so Casey was amazing and brought my hiking stuff over and I took off and he stayed with the kids.  We hiked to the wind caves and it brought back a lot of memories.  I haven't done that hike in forever.  The girls were in really good shape and didn't take breaks and went fast.  I was able to keep up but felt out of shape.  Everyone have a good night.


Isaac read a book to the kids, it was cute

I finished the blocks for my block of the month, they aren't very good.

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