Thursday, July 21, 2011

Road Trip

Dad isn't going to come on the road trip. He is too busy. I know that is a shocker. I have decided to drive. Just some time in the car. I think that will be good. I miss us all together also. It was so nice to have you here. I am going to leave here around 6 or 6:30 to miss the rush hour. It should get me in to St George around 11:00. I am going to stay until Monday and will leave when you go to work. I thought that way I could have the afternoon to rest for the week. I am coming up to Logan on Thursday night. I am not sure when the golf tournament starts but I don't want to have to leave at the crack of dawn. I am planning on staying until Sunday for right now but I will see what is going on with Dad. Robin the muffins were really good. I ate two of them. I hope Josh liked the also. I made it back to work. They bought me a planter. It was really nice. It had a pink ribbon on it and that made me cry. IT was the first time so I thought I did good for all day. Tomorrow will be busy and it will be nice to have three days off. Keep it a couple of short weeks. Have a great friday. I will see you tomorrow Karen.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...