Monday, March 5, 2012


Isaac slept better last night. He did wake up at 4 again but I stuck to what I read in the book Mom got me and he fell asleep again and slept until 9. It was nice and he needed it. I worked on my block of the month when he took his nap and I really didn't like the pattern to being with and I did a horrible job doing it. I was so frustrated I almost threw it away but I just set it aside. I showed Casey when he got home and it didn't look as bad so I think that I will just finish it and it will be fine. Maybe I later I can think of a new pattern for March and make a different one. I made salmon for dinner, we both have been wanting fish and it was on sale. It tasted really good. I have been finding really good recipes online. It has been fun to cook, it makes the day fun. The weather was really nice today so we spend a lot of time outside walking around. Everyone have a good night and thanks for letting me ramble about my quilts.


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