Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quiet day

We did make it to sacrament meeting and then we left to go see Grandma Bodily. She had the cutest books for Isaac. He is going to love them. Then we came home and I had to help someone with her resume. It was a busy day. I did manage to get a nap after dinner. That might have been a bad idea. Poor Isaac. He doesn't feel good. Maybe you should try and get his cold teething rings back out. The cold might help his mouth to feel better. Just a thought. Popcicles might help him also just before bed time. This is the age where bruises begin to appear. I think that is cute he fell asleep in Randy's arms. Thanks Karen. You will have a great time. Painting is good for us. It will give us lots of practice for you when you get your house. We will be really good at it by then. You will know what colors you like for sure. Next weekend is daylight savings. That means Isaac will be getting up at 3. I hope that didn't depress you too much.


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