Tuesday, March 6, 2012

doubting thomas

well alas I have no idea what to do. I went to orientation at express and they are offering 7.25 an hour with a 30% percent discount. It not that appealing to me but I filled out the paper work and I don't have a shift till next week so I am going to thing about it for a day or two and see. I am going to head to kelly's temp. I thought today that maybe they would have a part time sewing job that would take me so I can get experience. so cross your fingers. I went to lagoon today it went well. I think on friday I should be able to get out early so I will text you rachel when I am done so you know when I am heading up. some time between 3-6 I hoping more towards 3 when I get out. but we will see. but that is the news for me have a good wens.


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