Monday, April 25, 2016

Foot problems

I left work early today to take dad to the doctor.  He doesn't have athlete's foot and it isn't infected.  So that was nice.  The bad news is it is some kind of disease that is rare and is hard to get rid of.  I am going to call a dermatologist and get an appointment. I am not sure that is what it really is but it is connected with RA.   I have been soaking his feet in vinegar and put Clorox on them and it is looking better.  Go figure that one out. Rachel that was so nice of Randy to come get the boys.  That really is a nice break and he gets to know them.  I hope Ruthie gets feeling better soon.  We decided to go see Karen after the doctor.  It was such a pretty ride and she gave us her old sound bar and it works on our TV.  It is so nice.  I can hear a lot better.  Thanks Karen!  Robin that sucks you have to work so much.  I hope they find someone really soon.  I am excited for the quilt show also.  It will be a lot of fun.  The rain is nice.  LOVE MOM

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