Sunday, April 24, 2016


Ruthie's eye looks infected in one of those pictures.  Keep an eye on it.  I can't believe that Adelaide is a year old.  That went by fast.  That was good you got to go to her birthday.  We had a really quiet day.  WE didn't go get grandma today because dad's feet are really bad.  I read on the internet to use Clorox and vinegar and that would help with infections.  They do look a little better but he is going to the doctor tomorrow for sure.  I tried to call on Friday but Dr. Strong doesn't work on Fridays.  They got bad really fast.  We watched a lot of movies and I read a whole book.  I really enjoyed that one.  Have a great Monday.  I am glad you went to church Rachel.  Karen I hope you had a good day as well.  LOVE MOM

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