Monday, January 23, 2012


Good job Karen, that is awesome. I am excited for you. I think that it will be fun to have you closer. I will miss St George though, we will have to think of a new place to vacation at. Maybe just Park City. Today was good. I went to the church and help sew bags for a humanitarian project. It was fun, I didn't get much done with Isaac though but there were a lot of people there. Isaac wanted to watch his truck movie on our bed all day. I have attached a picture below. I think that it is his teeth that are hurting. He isn't sleeping all that great so he is tired also. Also he likes to watch himself on my phone so we were doing that today and he says his S sound through his nose and I think it is funny so I have attached a video of that. I am asking him what a snake says, it kind of got cut off.

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