Thursday, June 28, 2018


It was windy today.  It was nice in the evening to have it cooler.  I stayed up late last night and worked on Oliver's rug and watched the Last Jedi on nextflixs.  It was so much fun.  Today was the last day of swimming lessons.  Isaac moved up a level which is good.  The made pancakes for everyone after lessons which was fun.  The kids were in a lot better mood today so that was nice.  We picked up Casey for lunch and went to Panda, the kids liked that.  Isaac played with Imogen for a while and had fun.  Afterwards we went to Sam's club and got diapers for Ruth.  The kids were hungry again so we got pizza's.  Casey got a flat tire on the way home from work so after dinner he worked on fixing his bike.  I took the kids on a bike ride around the block and that was fun.  Thanks for picking up my glasses.  I am excited to get them.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...